
We have various videos including educational, educational workshops and activity records here…

Our Videos

Enjoy the moments from our events and activities 

Educational Workshop Videos

Activity Videos

Links to videos related to environmental protection on TV28

7th April 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about Upcycle , starting at 1:14:44

As of April 7th, the “Waste Reduction” session has been successfully completed.
CCET would like to thanks TV28 TV station, AM936 radio station, host: Xiaoou, Wei Li for their strong support!
Thank you for your attention, and I hope you will continue to reduce waste and help save the earth together!

3rd March 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about Garden Composter Composting , starting at 1:14:15

10th March 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about Worm Farm , starting at 1:10:24

24th March 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about Eco-enzyme, starting at 1:13:46

31th March 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about Composting Q&A, starting at 1:09:24

27th January 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about How to Ditch the Wok, starting at 1: 10: 11

3rd February 2022, on 韋立新聞風景線 “, a video about Why the Big Litter Collection Changes , starting at 1:21:00

17th February 2022, on 韋立新聞風景線 “, a video about “Q&A” , starting at 1:09:17

24th February 2022, on 韋立新聞風景線 “, a video about “Bokashi Composting” , starting at 1:11:36

9th December 2021, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about Recycling issues, starting at 1: 20: 15

6th January 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about How to deal with hazardous waste, starting at 1: 24: 43

13th January 2022, on 韋立”新聞風景線 “, a video about How to Drop Unwanted Stuff, starting at 1: 20: 54

20th January 2022, on 韋立新聞風景線 “, a video about How to Dispose of Expired Batteries, starting at 1: 10: 28

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+64 (9) 3030633

PO Box 17425 Greenlane, Auckland 1546, New Zealand

“Conservation today

for a better tomorrow”