About us at CCET
This is information about us at CCET
who we are
The purpose of Chinese Conservation Education Trust (CCET) is to foster a love and understanding of New Zealand’s special places, plants and animals. We are a group of individuals dedicated to bringing conservation to the Chinese living in New Zealand.
The Trust’s work is vital. The Auckland region’s population is expected to double in the next 50 years and will be strongly multicultural. This growth and diversity of cultures will put huge pressures on the values New Zealanders place on open spaces and special conservation areas. Already many areas of coastline are bare of shellfish and fish numbers are decreasing in the harbours. The Trust is working continuously and tirelessly to educate the New Zealand Chinese on conservation and environmental protection and to foster their contribution to a sustainable future for generations to come.
The objectives of the Chinese Conservation Education Trust are:
To work with government agents to educate the general Chinese public living in New Zealand about conservation and environment protection through activities
To raise funds for Chinese conservation awareness programmes
To act as a liaison with conservation organisations in New Zealand and Asia
To enhance relationship and understanding between the Chinese and the mainstream, subsequently create the sense of beginning community and harmony
CCET’s logo is designed by one of the trustees, Kenneth Wang. The green background of the logo, with NZ natural icons, represents NZ environment. The breaking portion at the bottom right corner indicates the tender nature of our environment is at risk. The solid words CCET and the full name of the Trust around the logo represent the solidarity and determination of Chinese communities to take action to protect and to rebuild this beautiful environment of NZ. The simple yet distinctive square shape of the logo is designed for easily recognition across social and cultural spectrum. The logo is designed for the suitability of a wide range of applications.

How it all began
In 2000 the Department of Conservation (DOC) began working with communities new to the concept of conservation to show, rather than tell, why places like the Hauraki Gulf are special and worth preserving.
To launch the “Chinese Urban Conservation Awareness Programme”, the Auckland Conservancy invited influential members of the Chinese and Taiwanese communities and media to visit the internationally renowned wetlands of Miranda, on the edge of the Firth of Thames. Here as many as 40,000 migratory birds spend the summer resting and feeding before the long flight back to their breeding grounds in Siberia and Alaska.
For many of the visitors, it was their first conservation experience and was made even more meaningful by the connections between Asia and New Zealand along the Australasian flyway. As one visitor said: “You cannot underestimate the ripple effect of an outing like this. It seems like such a small thing, yet we will all talk about this here and when we go back to our home countries.”
The Chinese Urban Conservation Awareness Programme continued to organise activities such as tree planting on Motutapu Island and cleaning up Rangitoto Island’s coastline. In order to expand the operation and organise more activities for more people to get involved, the Programme decided to set up a trust – The Chinese Conservation Education Trust.
Launch of the CCET
With the dedication and support of the DOC, the CCET launched on 13 April 2002 at Fort Takapuna, Northshore. Guests on the day included members of the Chinese community, Department of Conservation, Members of Parliament and VIPS from business and private sectors. The guest speakers were Judith Tizard, Minister of State and the Prime Minister’s advisor, Ngati Whatua O Orakei Kaumatua Danny Tumahai, Mrs. Pansy Wong, Member of Parliament, and Mr. Rob McCallum, DOC’s Auckland Conservator. Our chairperson, Estella Lee thanked for all the encouragement and said, “We are sure we can work together to keep New Zealand clean and green. Together we will make NZ a harmonized place for all of us”.

Our testimonials and CCET Awards
Find our more about CCET’s awards:
Green Ribbon Award 2003 – Raising Awareness of Environmental Issues
E Awards 2003 – Special Award